Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tales from the "Hood" Part Deux

Losin' It #11

This man is a trained professional.  Do NOT attempt this at home.

The "Hood":

Like I said in my post titled "Tamales"; I lived in a ROUGH neighborhood for a while. When your dogs have to go, they have to go no matter what time it is, and most of the time that was in the middle of the night. One night I found myself in the middle of a group disturbance that was evolving around me - when one of the guys began yelling for another guy to either shoot him or stab him. It was interesting, although I'm not quite sure how a conversation leads to that point. The guy was very emotional and extremely dramatic, in an extra ordinary crybaby wanna be center of attention sort of way.

'His life was over anyway'... he must have been the owner of the Pinto in the parking lot.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think his life might have been over because he'd waited until 3am for the tamale lady to come by and she didn't? And why did you tell them to wait until you were out of the way when I know for a FACT that you like to get involved in any brouhaha developing between people completely unknown to you. Now you know why I'm too scared to walk the dogs at 3am. I can tell by the look on Blue and Jazz's faces that they were not going to protect you were the tables to turn and you to get stabbed. OR RAPED!
