Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Head Cheese

Here is the second comic for Losin' It.

Losin' It #2:
Spanky McJiggles for President!
The book I started is titled "Head Cheese". Here are the first several pages that I completed; it's awesome and delicious, so strap on your bib, grab your lobster mallet, and dive in face first. It's low cal and carb free. Bon appetit.This all just came out of my head. Scary, isn't it?I was hungry when I drew this, and I've heard clowns and hippies are both quite tasty.Doctors and dentists give me the willies.You should always listen when people tell you not to drink the water.

1 comment:

  1. I find your drawrings highly offensive, as I am an octopus-armed, hairy backed hippie man, with cavities, sleep apnea, and no bra. I do think you draw flowers real purty though.

    - Orion Moonbeam Starspangled Octupusarm III
