Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ain't No Party Like a Whoop Whoop Dance Party!

Losin' It # 16

The widget looks like a fire hydrant, which really shouldn't have much use in the aerospace industry.  But widget money is always good. I'm not much for dancing, especially in public places, but if you're going to cut loose, the music store is the perfect place. Unlimited supply of music and plenty of space for trying out awesome new moves. I've notice in hindsight (after it was brought to my attention by Luna) that it lookes as though I am farting in panel number 3, but that's okay, somtimes that will happen in the music store, especially when you're dancing. In addition, I've just been told by Tashie that it looks like the bald man in the last panel is using the CD display rack as though it was a urinal; that is absolutely not the case. That would be totally inappropriate behavior, even at the music store...what am I thinking, especially at the music store...your attorney's office on the other hand is the perfect place...right on his desk...on his name plate and pen holder.
The grocery store is a great place to have a dance off, should your music store dancing lead to such a thing.

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