Saturday, April 25, 2009

Seattle's very own Mayor McCheese

Losin' It #12

More psychologists sleep in cupboards than people realize.

I see Mayor Nickels as having just about the biggest political double stadard there is. While he tells all of the rest of us to stop driving our cars and get on the bus, he uses 5 gallons of gas a day in his official automobile according to city expense records; that doesn't even count the fuel for the other luxury cars he drives at public expense. I think Mayor McCheese should try walking a little, no a LOT, more. Forget being the mayor, Nickels acts like he's the KING of Seattle.

Never trust a man who wears spats.

1 comment:

  1. I like cheese... why can't he be Mayor McSleeze, or Mayor McFatKnees? I also appreciate the way you captured his vacant stare with his soul-less eyes the color of an ice glacier. Did you know that glaciers are known for their powers of deception? Oh yes. A glacier appears to be small and innocent on the surface, but beneath it could be a colossal behemoth bent on destruction.
