Sunday, June 21, 2009

Losin' It #20

That's why, instead of planting grass seed, I planted magic beans. I've decided to print my own currency and surprisingly it's worth the same as the Federal Reserve Notes of the Chinese owned United States of America. I was never a fan of George W.'s and I think he did most everything wrong, but I'm also not real happy that Barack has sold us to a foreign nation. I'm not going to learn the Chinese language, I hate the color the whole communist thing won't work for me.

one hundy is much different from one Hyundai, which is worth a little more... I had CPR training the other day, but I think I lost my patient...and I'm pretty sure I'm covered by the Good Samaritian better luck next time I guess.

I am now fully certified to resuscitate any plastic dummies that might stop breathing...

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Losin' It #19
You can tell the energy level of a cartoonist by how many words he underlines in the first panel of his cartoon.

I think we as the public, by way of the media, are addicted to pandemics, catastophes, and just all around scary news. We seem to be glued to the news during the latest and greatest world new news fright fest. It's usually never quite as bad, or exciting depending on how you look at it, as it's made out to be. That being said, I think I may have an idea how these various viruses mutate.

If pigs could fly I'm quite certain that bacon would be lower in fat, yet still just as tasty.