Sunday, June 21, 2009

Losin' It #20

That's why, instead of planting grass seed, I planted magic beans. I've decided to print my own currency and surprisingly it's worth the same as the Federal Reserve Notes of the Chinese owned United States of America. I was never a fan of George W.'s and I think he did most everything wrong, but I'm also not real happy that Barack has sold us to a foreign nation. I'm not going to learn the Chinese language, I hate the color the whole communist thing won't work for me.

one hundy is much different from one Hyundai, which is worth a little more... I had CPR training the other day, but I think I lost my patient...and I'm pretty sure I'm covered by the Good Samaritian better luck next time I guess.

I am now fully certified to resuscitate any plastic dummies that might stop breathing...

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